When stressed drink some water or juice
When under stress,take a few slow deep breaths
Eat some food you like,because food can calm down restlessness and nervousness
Listen to your favorite music
Do something that you like doing
Watch a funny movie
Think, and persuade yourself about the futility of stress, and how much it
is better to live without it.
Exercise your inner freedom, and do not to let other people thoughts, opinions, ords and actions affect you.
Engage in sports or physical activity.

beauty portal
the baby corner

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Help! I left a hot pizza box on my wooden table for half hour-now the wood is discolored. What can I do?

Heat marks can be tough to remove. Here's a method to try to lacquered surfaces only: Mix a dab of non-gel toothpaste with baking soda to make a paste. Rub gently over the stain until the paste feels warm. Then wipe clean with a damp cloth. You may have to repeat this process several times to lift the mark. Follow up with furniture polish or oil.

beauty portal
the baby corner

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What’s the best way to separate glassware that’s wedge together? Try a hot – cold approach. Place ice cubes in the top item (the cold will make it content) and put the bottom item or glass into a sink filled with hot water (heat will expand the glass). Let them sit for a few minutes and you should be able to pull them apart. No luck? Drizzle light weight machine oil between the nestled glasses. Let the oil seep down (it may take a few minutes), them gently jiggle the top item to free it. Hope this helps.