Don't ever shop without a list - and stick to it! Avoid sales, the temptation to overbuy is too great especially if you have a credit card. You tend to buy things you probably don't need but since you can buy it in half the price - there's a great urge to purchase it! Keep a small notebook where you list everything you buy, even the morning paper. You'll find that it is harder to spend if you know you must write each purchase down - make sure you keep in mind what your priorities are with regards to financial aspect of your life. Go to the market or the mall only once a week or better yet, once every two or three weeks except for perishables such as milk or vegetables and just stuck those items you bought on the fridge to avoid buying food you might not really need. Shoppers who run to the store frequently buy more impulse items. Try this tips and soon you'll notice a great difference on your finances. An extra saved coins daily might be used for buying some extra stuff in the house or pay other utility bills.
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