When stressed drink some water or juice
When under stress,take a few slow deep breaths
Eat some food you like,because food can calm down restlessness and nervousness
Listen to your favorite music
Do something that you like doing
Watch a funny movie
Think, and persuade yourself about the futility of stress, and how much it
is better to live without it.
Exercise your inner freedom, and do not to let other people thoughts, opinions, ords and actions affect you.
Engage in sports or physical activity.

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Help! I left a hot pizza box on my wooden table for half hour-now the wood is discolored. What can I do?

Heat marks can be tough to remove. Here's a method to try to lacquered surfaces only: Mix a dab of non-gel toothpaste with baking soda to make a paste. Rub gently over the stain until the paste feels warm. Then wipe clean with a damp cloth. You may have to repeat this process several times to lift the mark. Follow up with furniture polish or oil.

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What’s the best way to separate glassware that’s wedge together? Try a hot – cold approach. Place ice cubes in the top item (the cold will make it content) and put the bottom item or glass into a sink filled with hot water (heat will expand the glass). Let them sit for a few minutes and you should be able to pull them apart. No luck? Drizzle light weight machine oil between the nestled glasses. Let the oil seep down (it may take a few minutes), them gently jiggle the top item to free it. Hope this helps.


If two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time, why are you pushing yourself to do as many things at the time? For multitasking women, use these tips to get better at it:

● Find your optimum time – Discover your personal rhythm and plan the day accordingly

● Divide the hours – set time for individual tasks, and plan for interruptions or distraction

● Take time outs - stop everything , step back and catch you breath. You will make
better decision when you’re not doing it from or harried state.

● Get help - If you can’t handle all the work, admit it and begin delegating immediately

● Complete tasks - A finished project will calm and satisfy you check off to dos that have been done

Make sure that everything is organize. Remember - it's better to have at least one finished tasks than to have so many unfinished ones.

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When buying clothes ( especially the branded ones ) – it usually does have what we call care labels. Those are labels found either on the side of a shift or at the nape part usually sewn on the seams, containing instructions on how to wash your clothes without ruining them. Here are some symbols that you might encounter:

· The number in the washtub symbol indicates the right wash temperature

· A circle inside a square means you should use the dryer

· A circle means that the item should be taken to the dry cleaners, while a triangle means that it can be bleached

· Any symbol that is crossed out simply means "don’t"

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If you're stuck in mud, don't gun the engine. You'll dig yourself deeper if you do. Put pieces of old carpet, gravel, sand or branches under the drive wheels for traction (front wheel in a front-drive car, rear wheels is a rear-drive). Then keeping the front wheels pointed straight ahead, rock the car gently by shifting quickly. Low or drive to reverse. If you're not out after rocking 12 times, stop. You don't want to deepen the grooves or damage the transmission.

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* To prevent metal costume jewelry from tarnishing, store a piece of white chalk with it.

* To avoid tangled necklaces, hang them from adhesive-backed plastic hooks on your dresser mirror or from a tie rack on the inside of the closet door.

* Make a necklace from fishing swivels. String them together with a satin cord, knotting the cord between each swivel.

* To clean nonplastic costume jewelry, immerse it in rubbing alcohol for five minutes. Then rinse in warm water and dry with a lint-free cloth. Soak rhinestone pieces in straight liquid detergent for 15 minutes; rinse in warm water and dry with a flannel cloth. Do the same for metal jewelry, but dilute the detergent with warm water.

The Wise Use of Time

Two men cut wood all day long. One worked straight through without stopping to rest. At the end of the day, he had a sizeable pile of logs. The other would stop for 50 minutes and then take a ten-minute break. At the end of the day, he had a much larger pile. "How could you chop more? " asked the man whod worked continously. His friend replied, "when I stopped for rest, I also sharpened my ax" (Thoman B. Welch,Jr.)

Most people thought that by working really hard and depriving themselves of rest thinking if they work twice as hard on a longer period without rest...they'll gonna increase their chances of success. Little did they know that having such rest would increase the flow of their creative juices and renew their strength thus would improve their performance. We don't need to push ourselves to the limit - what good would you get if you've been working for years, earning a lot for yourself without resting...but losing your health? You'll just gonna spend your hard earned money to have your health restored. Slow down...take a break...and enjoy the beauty of the flower once in a while...

It Pays To Cook Wisely

* It will take you twice as long and twice as much if you bring water to boil in an open pot.

* If you just need to boil small amount of water - use the smallest cooking pans possible as these requires the use of less energy.

* Make sure that you let hot foods cool off for a while before putting them in the fridge. Cover all foods especially liquids to avoid releasing moisture and raising the temperature.

* The best way to keep a cake fresh for the longest possible time is to store it in an airtight container with a slice of bread. The bread should be replaced as soon as it gets hard. An apple is equally effective.

* A squeeze of lemon in the water gives rice an elegant whiteness while a spoonful of oil helps to separate the grains. Covering cooked rice with a cloth to absorb the steam while it waits to be served will stop it from clumping.

* Curry powder gives a fuller flavor in cooked dishes if fried a little beforehand.

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Avoid Shopping Temptation

Don't ever shop without a list - and stick to it! Avoid sales, the temptation to overbuy is too great especially if you have a credit card. You tend to buy things you probably don't need but since you can buy it in half the price - there's a great urge to purchase it! Keep a small notebook where you list everything you buy, even the morning paper. You'll find that it is harder to spend if you know you must write each purchase down - make sure you keep in mind what your priorities are with regards to financial aspect of your life. Go to the market or the mall only once a week or better yet, once every two or three weeks except for perishables such as milk or vegetables and just stuck those items you bought on the fridge to avoid buying food you might not really need. Shoppers who run to the store frequently buy more impulse items. Try this tips and soon you'll notice a great difference on your finances. An extra saved coins daily might be used for buying some extra stuff in the house or pay other utility bills.

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About Advice Portal

In an imperfect world, we all need all the tips and advices that we could get with regards to money, relationships, housekeeping...etc. It's nice to know that there are sites and people who are willing to share their ideas on how to make life easier and happier. This is exactly this site is all's aim is to share ideas to others on how to make our lives a little bit easier and happier for all of us. We all have things that we think we do better, easier, cheaper. We should share them. I'll share a few and will continue to look for one for you readers - Join me and together lets learn practical tips and tricks on how to live our lives to the fullest!

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